All three axes have the same number.
The master of that lavel. (There are only 10 in the collection.)
Cube Grid : 1x1x1 (#0001)
VOXEL GRID #0001 : 1 x 1 x 1 CUBE GRID
The cube grid has a cube-shaped grid with the same number of three axes.
Cube Grid is the master of that level.
A total of 10 Cube Grids are generated in this collection, one for each level.
OpenSea link : Cube Grid : 1x1x1 (#0001)
Cube Grid : 2x2x2 (#0112)
VOXEL GRID #0112 : 2 X 2 X 2 CUBE GRID
The cube grid has a cube-shaped grid with the same number of three axes.
Cube Grid is the master of that level.
A total of 10 Cube Grids are generated in this collection, one for each level.
*The ‘Unlockable Content’ contains 3072 x 3072 resolution image and is only allowed for printing for personal purposes.
OpenSea link : Cube Grid : 2x2x2 (#0112)